Baby Sign Language And The Full VBAC Story

In anticipation of the new baby’s arrival, we’ve all been learning sign language. Babies can sign long before they have the ability to speak. Surprisingly, Max (age 4) has tackled signing with gusto. He can easily learn and remember 5-10 new signs each day. He’s been watching a baby signing video and he’s now teaching all of us new signs. He was signing to me at a lunch last week with some women I’d never met and I had to tell them that, yes, he can speak. He just prefers signing right now. It’s really neat to watch him get so excited about learning something new!

We purchased the American Sign Language Dictionary last week and the children, naturally, opened it up, searching for the dirty words first. Ha ha. (Remember looking up dirty words in the dictionary at the library in elementary school?) Max came in our room later and announced, “Frank is teaching me dirty signs!” He was kidding, of course. Frank told him to say that.

Anyway, I promised to tell you our VBAC quandary in detail this week, so here it is. We’ve also launched a blog to detail our experiences. You can see that (and several emails we’ve already received from other VBACers) here:

Why We Hired a Midwife – the long version.

Please read this HERE.

Hugs to everybody!


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